(cat2import)= # `cat2import` -- Convert HDF5 files to Caterva2 roots In the ecosystem where Caterva2 belongs, it is common to work with HDF5 files and other formats containing multidimensional numerical data stored as datasets arranged in arbitrary hierarchies. Caterva2 is designed to distribute such type of datasets (and some others), with similar features such as compression, chunking and arbitrary attributes, and also grouped in hierarchies. Although Caterva2 does allow publishing an HDF5 file directly as a root (with datasets converted to Blosc2 arrays on-the-fly), it also includes `cat2import`, a simple tool targeted at exporting datasets in other formats into an equivalent Caterva2 root directory. Still in its early stages of development, it only supports HDF5 for the moment. To use `cat2import`, the `tools` extra needs to be installed: ```sh python -m pip install caterva2[tools] ``` For the moment it has a very simple invocation syntax: ``` cat2import HDF5_FILE CATERVA2_ROOT ``` Where the HDF5 file must exist beforehand, and the Caterva2 root directory must not, as it will be created from scratch. HDF5 groups will be mapped to directories of the same name in the Caterva2 root, and datasets to Blosc2 array files with the same name, plus a `.b2nd` extension. There is currently no way of controlling the involved compression algorithm or parameters, nor the chunking/blocking of data, so defaults are used (this will change in the future). Invoking `cat2import --help` provides more hints on which HDF5 features are supported, and how they are mapped into the Caterva2 root. ## Usage example We shall export one of the HDF5 files in the PyTables test suite: [ex-noattr.h5](https://github.com/PyTables/PyTables/raw/master/tables/tests/ex-noattr.h5). Download it, place it into some working directory and open a shell into that directory. Since Caterva2 tools depend on h5py, we'll use it to look at the hierarchy in the file: ```sh python -c 'import h5py; h5py.File("ex-noattr.h5").visit(print)' ``` This should show a couple of groups with datasets in them: ``` columns columns/TDC columns/name columns/pressure detector detector/table ``` Now we shall export `ex-noattr.h5` into a new Caterva2 root called `ex-noattr`. Just run: ```sh cat2import ex-noattr.h5 ex-noattr ``` The program only outputs the following error: ``` ERROR:root:Failed to convert dataset to Blosc2 ND array: 'detector/table' -> ValueError('invalid shape in fixed-type tuple.') ``` However, it does finish successfully and it generates the requested root. Running `find ex-noattr` to print all files and directories under it shows something like this: ``` ex-noattr ex-noattr/columns ex-noattr/columns/TDC.b2nd ex-noattr/columns/pressure.b2nd ex-noattr/columns/name.b2nd ex-noattr/detector ``` So the program was able to export all groups and datasets save for `detector/table`, hence the previous error. In general, `cat2import` tries to convert each group, dataset or attribute at hand, but if it fails because of some error or the conversion not being supported, it just reports the issue and continues with the next object. This behavior will be refined in the future. Now you should be able to configure `ex-noattr` as the data directory for your Caterva2 publisher. See [](Running-independent-Caterva2-services) for more information.