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Consulting and Support Services

ironArray offers consulting services to help you in areas like:

  • Project optimization (e.g. make data compression better with Btune, or improve data access with Caterva2)
  • Software development (e.g. develop a new feature for Blosc/Btune/Caterva2/PyTables/numexpr)
  • System architecture (e.g. design a new system for handling your data via Btune/Caterva2)
  • System integration (e.g. integrate Blosc/Btune/Caterva2/PyTables/numexpr in your system)

We are the developers of Blosc, PyTables and numexpr open source tools, with a long experience in developing high-performance software for scientific computing, big data handling and compression for binary data.

We specialize in unleashing the full potential of the Blosc/Blosc2 compressors, and its ecosystem, to optimize your data storage, transmission, and processing needs. We can help you with your project, no matter how simple or complex it can be. For an example of our capabilities, check out this report, where we helped the LEAPS project to improve the performance of their data processing pipeline.


Our base hourly rate is 130€/hour, but we have a series of support packages, with more competitive pricing, that you can choose from. We can also offer a discount if you are a non-profit organization. Contact us for more information.

We are based in Spain, so we will need your VAT ID for adding it to the invoice in case you are a European Union company/individual.


If you are interested in our consulting/support services, please contact us.